Montag, 9. April 2012


you circle.
I hide in corners.

you life.
I stuck in hesitation.

you see.
the me I do not know.

and yet I run your circles.

for I like, you risk.

for hope.

for the undefined.

for I give up.

the picture. unbelief. the counter of my so own believed control. the seriousness. of fears, doubts, unsuspecting and the unknown.

for you are giving me parts of me.

you circle.

I know you. your curves, your shape. familiar as I have never seen another. it seems you repeat yourself but the more I keep walking you, I see you.

Dienstag, 6. März 2012


disturb the flow.
they hunt me back.

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

the dancer

i went to the theatre.

untouched till...

a dancer moving.
moving how i imagine you to move.

another one looking,
how you look, from far away.

just it wasn't you.


the vision reaching further to unpredictable versions of you.

Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

. ..

das eigene bild ergibt meinen film

der jede sekunde von dir geprägt wird

und am ende ist er immer noch meiner.

und du ein fremder.

and then i ask myself how it is possible that every scene is my own and so different to yours though in the same place the same time

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012

the moment

what do i want from you
you who is undefined
you tension

undefined me

unknown and tension walk hand in hand

some are known
some closed mouthed

if defined or never will be

it'll be not divided
for you are the moment